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Our next meeting

Our next meeting is a lecture on 19th November by Morgan Haigh on ‘The Nine Lives of Pablo Picasso’

Previous meetings

For reports of this year’s previous meetings, please click here.

Derrick Turner Images

Please see all the galleries for the Derrick Turner competitions from 2017 onwards.

Unfortunately, as these images were taken on the evenings, not all the information (artist, title, medium) was available to me - I should be grateful therefore if you would contact me if you can add any more details.

The images also may contain reflections, which is sometimes unavoidable. If you have a better image that you would like to be used instead, please send it to me and I shall change it.

Photo Album

I have added a new feature to the website - ‘Photo Album’. This is intended to show photographs from the Society’s archives, going back up to about 40 years ago! If you have any photographs which you think may be of interest or you can help to identify past members shown in photographs already posted, then please let us know. You can find Photo Album here. More photos will be added in due course.


The latest newsletter (and earlier ones) can be downloaded here.


A full programme of events for 2024 can be found here. Many thanks to our programme secretaries, Claire Sadlier and then David Kirkham, for organising this.  Our new Programme Secretary is Caroline Goode.

Monday Painters

You can also paint at the Monday Painters - more details here

Annual Exhibition 2024

A total of 106 paintings (including 3 miniatures) were hung in this exhibition. For a report and list of winners, please click here. A gallery of paintings hanging in this exhibition will be placed on this website in due course.

Many thanks to Pam and Eli for all the work involved in putting on this exhibition.

Members Gallery

Members may have any of their painting images posted here and these may be for sale if you wish. However, please see the note below re sales. If you have any images you would like posted in this gallery, please send them to the Website Manager. The Members’ gallery is online here.


The constitution has also been placed on the website here.


SWAS cannot undertake to sell paintings through this website. If we receive  any requests to buy paintings, the prospective buyer will be put into contact with the appropriate artist. Please see here.

Volunteers needed

SWAS is urgently in need of volunteers to join the committee. Most of the existing committee took up the reins in 2022 when necessity required, having all done previous periods of serving on the committee. They have all done more than their fair share and would now like to step back from their committee duties. For this society to continue, it is essential that more volunteers come forward to take over. In particular, the positions of Chairman, Secretary and Exhibition Secretary still need to be filled. There is no reason why these jobs shouldn’t be shared  between two (or more) individuals.

If you have enjoyed what we do, please consider helping to take this society forward. If not, this society, founded in 1887, will cease to exist.

Please direct any questions to the chairman, secretary or any other member of the committee.

Derrick Turner Competition 2025

The titles for the next competition in 2025 are as follows:  ‘Country Lane’ and ‘Harbour’

Please see here for the rules for our competitions.