Derrick Turner Trophy 2020
Week 1 - ‘Beside The Sea’
Appraisal & selection by Darlas Hunter
This gallery contains some of the paintings entered in week one of this competition. Images from week 2 of the competition will be added shortly.
Unfortunately, when these were taken on the evening, I was unable to collect all the information and I do not have artists, titles, and medium notes for all the paintings shown. I should be grateful if the artists concerned would contact me with the appropriate information. I apologise also for the unavoidable reflections in some images.
A report on the evening is here.
(Above) ‘The Broken Plate’, acrylic by Jane Patten
(Above right) watercolour by Kevin Strong
(Below right) acrylic by Asha Bassi
(Below) ink & watercolour, artist unknown
(Above) acrylic, by Anita Raymond
(Above right) ‘Bathing Belles’, acrylic by Dimitrios Venetsianos
(Right) watercolour by Pam Gilbert
(Below right) acrylic by Joe Rhodes
(Below) acrylic by Claire Sadlier