We think this photograph (above) was taken at a workshop at Chapter, sometime in the 1980s. It was featured in the 1987 Centenary booklet. Left to right: sitting - Aubrey Phillips, Lilac Searle (standing, with painting), Ray Kitchen, Joyce Howells, Lilac Searle’s grandson (on floor), E M Nina Underwood, Sylvia Middleton, Val Smith, Janet Walters - standing at back - unknown (behind Ray), Arnold Lowrey (at back, on chair), unknown (arms folded) , 2 unknown obscured, Dorothy Gillespie (with painting), Pat Webb, Bill Barry, Bruce Weffam, G Wyn Davies, unknown (with pipe), unknown (white top), John King (at back), Anne Williams, Jon Phillips.
Thanks to Sylvia Middleton and Val Smith for help with identification! Please let me know if you are able to fill in any of the remaining gaps!